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Shaping the Best Service Companies.


Our Founder Pawan explains pulseM’s Mission

pulseM has a mission to help you grow and hire more people in Trades business. When you grow and hire more people we automatically succeed. And how do we help you grow? By delivering the absolute best results in the industry. Guaranteed!

We only focus on delivering results.

Online reviews have a direct correlation with how much organic growth your company sees through referrals. Having more reviews than your competitors is an immediate signal of credibility to potential customers who are searching for your services online. That’s why we only focus on how many reviews your business receives, and how much that impacts your bottom line when determining successful results on the platform.

The two key results for every business:

Review Velocity

The frequency and volume of reviews your business receives over a certain period of time. We like to follow a 7-day cycle to track in real time how you are stacking up against your competitors.

Review Monetization

How much your business has grown organically as a direct of result of the referral business from reviews you have received.